
Thinking about having your pet neutered?

RSPCA Neutering Scheme

We encourage all our cat and dog owners to get their pets neutered to help protect against unwanted pregnancies and prevent conditions they will be at risk from if left entire (un-neutered). Getting your pet neutered requires them to have a full general anaesthetic and can cost from £50.00, for a male cat to be castrated, up to £260.00 for a giant breed dog to be spayed.

We appreciate that not all our customers have these funds available, and as such we can suggest the following help:

1.    RSPCA Staffy and Staffy Crossbreed Neutering

If you have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier (SBT or Staffy) or a Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross, we offer a scheme in conjunction with the RSPCA for people in receipt of benefits, to provide help with the costs of neutering. This will include a free, compulsory microchip if they have not had one implanted already. Benefits included are:

•    Housing or council tax
•    Income support
•    Job seekers
•    Pension credit
Working Tax Credits or Child Tax Credits are NOT accepted. If you are in receipt of the appropriate benefits and live in the Hastings and St Leonards area you can apply to get on this scheme. Please be aware that:

  • It only applies to Staffy’s and Staffy crosses.
  • The details for the microchip can only be registered to the details of the person who is named on the benefits forms.
  • If you are not registered at this surgery you must return to your own vets for any other treatment not relating to the neutering.

To apply you will need to call in to the surgery and bring with you copies of your current benefits. They must be dated within the last 2 months. You will also need to fill out a short application form and pay a £30.00 donation fee, all of which goes to the RSPCA Neutering Scheme. Once this is completed, we can arrange for an appointment for the procedure to be carried out.

**PLEASE NOTE: if you have not treated your pet against lungworm within the last 3-4 weeks we will require you to get it done. You can purchase the appropriate product from your own vets or, if you are registered with us and we have seen your dog within the last 12 months, you can purchase it from us. If your pet has not been seen by a vet within the last 12 months you will need to have a pre-operative check up with the vet 1-2 weeks prior to their planned operation. Please make sure the lungworm treatment is applied at least 7 days prior to the procedure. **

2.    RSPCA Cat Neutering

If you have a cat, there is another scheme in conjunction with the RSPCA for people in receipt of benefits, to provide help with the costs of neutering. This will include a free, compulsory microchip if they have not had one implanted already. You will need to live in the Hastings and St Leonards-On-Sea catchment area and be in receipt of at least one of the benefits, as listed for the Staffy neutering. To apply, please call in to the surgery with current proof of benefits and a £10 donation fee (all of which goes towards the RSPCA Neutering Scheme).

**PLEASE NOTE: all paperwork and payment MUST be completed prior to the day of the operation.  If you turn up on the day and the paperwork has not been completed or the donation fee has not been paid, we will ask you to reschedule for a later date**

3.    Cats Protection

The Cat’s Protection also offer help towards the cost of neutering your cat, again if you are in receipt of benefits. Although we are able to carry out the operation here, to get any financial help towards the cost of neutering your cat you will need to contact Cats Protection directly and apply for a voucher. Contacting the Cats Protection: 01424 754328

4.    Other Charities

Animal charities throughout the UK do an amazing job, working tirelessly at making animals lives better. This includes:

  • Saving pets from unacceptable situations
  • Rescuing animals that have become trapped
  • Re-homing pets
  • Fostering orphaned animals
  • Educating school children and adults
  • Fund-raising to support the work they do
  • Offering bereavement support
  • Raising public awareness to dangers

This is just a small amount of what they can do. A large percentage of these dedicated charity workers are unpaid and give up any spare time they have to help improve the welfare of animals. Most animal charities are also self-funded, relying totally on monies raised at fund-raising events, open days, collection boxes and sponsored events.

With the costs of living rising, and veterinary fees not always budgeted for, the animal charities will do what they can to help. Unfortunately, they have been affected by the recent recession as well, with a huge drop in donations to help fund animal veterinary fees. Please bear in mind that if you apply to any of the charities for help towards your veterinary fees that their funds are limited and they may have insufficient funds to cover the full costs of any treatment your pet may need.

For further information on animal charities and to enquire about help towards veterinary fees, please click on any of the links below.

There are many more animal charities around and can be found by carrying out a Google search. Inclusion of charities on the above list DOES NOT mean they will be able to help you with funding.

For any further information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us and speak to one of our friendly staff.

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